Saturday, November 27, 2010

Character Chain!

We have been focusing on the character trait of caring this month as a school; however, within the classroom we are still working on using all of them on a daily basis. Students are able to earn a character strip based on a character trait they are caught doing. Our chain has almost reached the floor! Hopefully we'll start having students point out good character in their peers starting this week by giving out the strips themselves instead of me.

Thanksgiving Poetry!

Students paired up with a friend and picked a Thanksgiving, fall, or turkey poem. They practiced it and then shared it with the class focusing on expression, smoothness and pacing. They were so fun to listen to!

Can you guess which gourd is mine?

Students each got to pick out their own gourd and use vivid details to describe what it looked like. Then, when everyone was done students traded papers with a partner and had to figure out which gourd was being described. Some of the kids did such a great job describing their gourd that their classmate was able to figure it out! It was such a fun project to end the week!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Students have had fun looking at various types of maps. They have been looking for a key, grid and symbols.


Brady and his sister
Tessa and her cousins
Calvin and his brother
Anastasia and her sister

Thanks to all the families who came to visit Halloween night. It was so fun to see the kids dressed up!