Sunday, September 27, 2009


Team Dolphins!
Team Cameros!
Team Hurricanes!
Team Lightning!
Team Leopards!

Students worked together in teams to create a puzzle. They weren't able to look at the box to see what it was supposed to look like. They just had to do it by working together and communicating.


Students had so much fun on Friday flying their kites in the wind. This was a science investigation involving air and weather. They could have ran around with their kites for hours.

Sorting Shoes!

Students chose many ways to sort their shoes whether by laces, no laces, velcro, slips ons/ where they were made/ girl shoes and boy shoes/ shoe sizes, etc. This time they sorted by type of shoe.
How are we ever going to sort all these shoes?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Star Student of the Week!

Zane is our Star Student of the Week!
September 21-25
Our class got a brand new rug and the kids love reading on it! During time each child has their own animal to sit on. We are working on our listening skills as we sit criss-cross.

Recess Fun!!

Of course recess is one of the kids' favorite activity. It is so fun to watch them develop friendships!

New Laptops!!

The Newell PTA provided our school with two new laptop carts. The kids loved using them to take the READS test. There will be so many fun activities we will use them for this year!

Writer's Workshop

The kids love writing around the room and using the mini writing offices.
Each and everyday students participate in and hour long Writer's Workshop. Students begin by taking part in a mini lesson given by the teacher which focuses on one of the six traits or another topic that will make them better writers. After a 10-15 minute mini lesson students then get the opportunity to work on their own writing as I have mini conferences with students. At the end of the workshop a few select authors get to read their stories in the Author's Chair. The kids have been working hard each day to build their writing stamina. I can't wait to see their progress as the year unfolds.
During spelling students spent time searching around the room for words that had the long and short i sounds. It was amazing how many words we found in our own classroom!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Read to Someone

Students have practiced Read to Self and Work on Writing; now they are trying to build stamina in Read to Someone. Read to Someone is a little more difficult because they have to read with a partner and practice their good listening skills. They have reached 12 minutes so far! Our goal is 20 and I know we can do it!


Each week students will be given a spelling test given by the teacher with words that have a phonics rule in common. The students will check their own pretest and then add the one missed to their spelling list. In order to reach eight spelling words for the week; students will select their own words from a shopping list. Students will then write their words in their planners to study at home. This process allows for the differentiation of students. On Fridays, students jump into the role of the teacher as they give their friend their test. The kids love taking responsibility in spelling.

Above are pictures of students giving the post test!

We started Daily 5 the first week of school with Read To Self. During this time, the kids are building stamina so they can read non-stop for 20 minutes. They must stay in one spot and read the whole time from their book box. In their book box are books at their reading level.

Above are some kids practicing Read To Self!