Friday, February 4, 2011

Class volunteers!

On Wednesday we had volunteers come to Newell from Central Catholic. We were lucky enough to have two in our classroom. They helped up with our stories, watched us build words, listened to us read and helped us make our Valentine's Day bags. Thanks to them for coming!

How to Blow a Bubble...

The students published their how to stories and then created a self portrait of them blowing a bubble. Way too cute!

The kids practicing how to blow a bubble.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Plays!

Students worked hard the two weeks before break at creating their own plays. It was so fun to see them work together to create a play of their own. The last day of school they presented their plays to the rest of the class. They were all so different and very creative.

Santa Visits Newell!

The kids got soooooooo excited when Santa came to visit our classroom. He let each of them ring his strip of bells and of course he handed out candy canes.

Christmas Party!

Eating all the yummy treats that parents brought.
Playing musical chairs!
Making snowflake ornaments!

Thanks to Mrs. Sindelar for planning and organizing our Christmas party. Also, thank you to all the parents who donated napkins, drinks, and treats. Without the help of parents this would not have been possible. The kids really enjoyed the fun time with friends!

Class Tree!

All the decorations they made at Stuhr we placed on our class tree. In addition, they made a few extra that the pioneers may have made back in the day.