Monday, October 25, 2010

Calvin in the $ Machine!

Caden in the $ Machine!


Students worked in teams to create their very own community. They had to work to create places to live, work, play and solve problems. It was fun to see all the creativity come out! We hung the finished product in the hallway and have gotten so many compliments on how great they look.
Coming Soon: Pictures of the finished product

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sharing our Writing!

Writing is such a huge academic area in second grade. Each student's goal is to reach the proficiency level. It is fun to watch them give compliments and feedback to each other then make changes to make their story better.

Author Julia Cook

The kids loved when Author Julia Cook came to visit our school. She shared several of her books along with how she became an author. She encouraged students that no matter your age they could publish their very own book. Throughout the week we also read more of her books in the classroom that taught us lessons about following rules, blurting out, being a verb, and taking chances.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stomp our feet for CITIZENSHIP!
Flap your arms for FAIRNESS!
Blow a kiss for CARING!
We're going to reach out for RESPONSIBILITY!

Have you heard your child signing or dancing the Six Pillar Shuffle? As part of our Character Pillars students do the shuffle every Friday morning. We also try to integrate it into our classroom as a brain break throughout the day.

Roll is for RESPECT,
We're going to reach out for RESPONSIBILITY.
Blow a kiss for CARING,
Flap our arms for FAIRNESS,
Stomp our feet for CITIZENSHIP,
The Six Pillar Shuffle is such a kick!

Fun Friday!

For Fun Friday I brought in Cheeze-Its with letters on them. During Daily 5 students had to make as many words with their Cheeze-Its before they could eat them. It was a fun way to make words on a Friday!

Star Student!

When your child is the Star Student of the Week they are allowed to pick two friends to eat lunch in the classroom with the teacher. It is fun to hear what they have to say while they are eating!

Math Jeopardy!

Before we took our Fall Math DIB we played a little class Jeopardy. It was funny to hear the kids all say, "What is Jeopardy?" Once we started playing they LOVED it! All teams played at the same time for equal engagement and worked together as a team towards getting the questions right.