Sunday, September 19, 2010

Thanks PTA!

Thanks to the four families from our class that supported the Newell PTA the putt putt golf night. Because of your support our class one Star Kisses from Dairy Queen since we tied with Mrs. Splatts for the most students in attendance. Thanks!

More Trust and Team Building!

Students had to work as a team, but keep each other safe while trying to stand up.


We focused our week on the pillar of Trustworthiness. We discussed the importance of telling the truth and how we can earn and break trust with our friends and family. We did some fun activities to practice trust. One student was the car and the other was the driver. The car had to trust their driver to drive them around the room while their eyes were closed.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Working as a team to get ahold of our own shoe. Communication was lacking this day, so we'll keep practicing on that trait.

Teams had to work together while standing on a blanket to flip it over to the other side. It was so AWESOME to see their teamwork shine through!

Balloon Rockets!

In science we spent more time learning about air while having fun with balloon rockets! The kids loved it!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

There were so many exciting things we did at the fair and we took so many pictures. However, I only posted a few! Check them out below. Thanks again to the parents that volunteered their time to help out!

What a great bunch of 2nd graders at the Fair!

Looking at the Clydesdale Horses!

Mrs. Dudo got to shear a sheep!

A baby lamb! Some of us got to pet it.

Pirates of the Caribbean Diving Show!

Watching a show!

Pig Races!

Arriving at the Fair!!