Monday, March 29, 2010

Meet Zeus!

As we study our insect unit we have a guest class pet. A hissing cockroach named Zeus. He will help us learn more about insects including the body parts of an insect and how they live. The kids were SUPER EXCITED that he was in our classroom. Beware parents... I heard a lot of them say that they wanted one as a pet for home.
Kids wrote about Zeus during writing.


Our caterpillars in the larva stage!
Our milkweed bug habitat! The eggs are so tiny you can't see them! They are located on the cotton. We will wait to see what they turn into!

Creating Shapes!

Students had to create geometric shapes with straws. An introduction to our shape unit.

Class Fun!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sorry for no updated pictures! My intention was to post some this weekend from St. Patrick's day, eating pizza, and our mealworms; however, I left my camera at my grandparents house. So, I will try to post them as soon as I get it back.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Science Olympiad!

Students worked in teams to create a scientific invention of their choice with various materials. Once they finished, they also explored with water and pennies.