Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Alex showing that he can make his pencil balance on its tip.
Zane using counterweights to make his pencil balance.
Kids using the zoomers to learn about motion.
Madi showing how she can make her zoomer move.

Students spent time creating a story together. It was fun to see them work together and share their strengths in writing with one another. They also earned a hot chocolate party for their hard work in writing. Yum...yum...yum!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

The kids had fun filling a graduated cylinder to a certain volume. They had to be extra careful to get it exactly at the right number.


Mrs. Dudo is teaching us team building activities that go along with TRUST!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Spelling Words 1-11-10

middle money

mask under

then paint

body beat

dime true

them chat

frog blue


said because

celebrate together

sleepover recess