Thursday, October 29, 2009


If you are out and about tonight please feel free to stop

by my house for a special treat!

Anytime before 6:30

603 West 12th Street

Have a safe and fun night!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Three of our students sold enough items to make it into the money machine on Friday. Congratulations to Cole, Victoria, and Adrian! Also, Congratulations to Adrian for winning the Husker football tickets. We have a lucky class!

Cole inside the money machine! I apologize for it being sideways. I always forget that the video needs to be recorded horizontally.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


When your child is the STAR STUDENT OF THE WEEK their poster along with pictures important to them will be posted for all to see. On Monday, your child will share with the class. Then on Tuesday, they will eat with two of their buddies in the classroom with the teacher. It is a special week for your child.


Daily 5

Adison is listening to a story on a Cd.

Jordyn and Alex G. are playing "BANG" in order to practice their sight words.
Cole and Zach are Reading to Someone as they sit EEKK!
Jaqueline is listening to a story on Tumblebooks.


America and Victoria are measuring Alex G.'s arm span using links. Students are learning to measure with links, cubits and hand spans.

Edible Spiders

Eating them was the best part!!
In order to learn the writing trait of organization students had to follow six basic steps in order to make an edible spider. When they were finished they had to write sentences about each step and add stoplight words to them. Once that was completed students made posters on Comic Life to explain the steps needed to make an edible spider using pictures and their sentences.


Students are working in teams to create their very own community. They are working on teamwork skills while making places to live, play and work. They have come up with some creative things! Next week they will start adding all the details to their projects.