Have you even wanted a Mopping Robot? This robot cleans your house and it can fly This robot will even take pictures of anyone who comes to your house to make sure you want them to come in or not.
Team 2 constructed a Robocat that helps you do work around the house. It also cleans any room in 1 second.
Team 1 created a winer dog that can do anything in 5 seconds.
Team 4 created a satellite!
During this week, we read a story about the many lives of Benjamin Franklin. In this story it covered all the things that Ben Franklin discovered and invented so as an extended project we decided to have our own invention convention. Students worked in teams to come up with an invention, create it, and decide what it will do. Once they were finished the students took a gallery walk through the other classes to see what they created. The second graders used wonderful teamwork skills and have great imaginations.