Saturday, March 21, 2009

Fun Fest

Sierra and her sister, Bella, toilet paper tossing.  
Henry and Kaden sharing what they won.
Mallorie ring tossing!
Keeshaun won a bird house!!!
Grayson and his sister, Regan, throwing rings at the Pepsi toss.
What a fun filled night with games, food and prizes.  Hope everyone had as much fun as I did!  It was great to see everyone and their families.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The mealworms have arrived!

  The mealworms are here and the students could not wait to investigate them!  They begged me to get started, so we did.  This afternoon students used magnify glasses to look at the attributes of these insects.  Over the course of the next few weeks students will monitor their growth and watch the life cycle change before their eyes.   


Thanks to all the kids for making my birthday so special!  Several of them made me cards and just hearing the say happy birthday made my day! They even all wore green to celebrate my birthday how special...oh wait, maybe it was just for St. Patrick's Day!  

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Leo and Edwin

Leo Lion
Edwin Elephant

Starting the week of March 16th your child will have an opportunity to bring home one of our new class mascots.  While they are at your home students will be required to write a few sentences, or more in the journal each night of what they did with the mascot.  They may also spend time reading with their friend and write in the journal what stories they read to them.  Students will bring home the bag on either a Monday or a Wednesday and will be required to bring them back to school on Wednesday or Friday depending on what day they receive it. This is an activity to promote reading and writing at home with a connection to school.  It should be a fun activity for the kids.     

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Spring Time!

I know the kids were anxious for spring break to arrive and with such a beautiful day today it was a perfect way for it to start.  Hope everyone has a safe and fun spring break!


We took an afternoon and worked on patterns/textures in art.  Students created patterns and then water colored over them.  They were amazed by the outcomes!

Writer's Workshop!

Little author's in action!
Jocelyn writing using a mini writing office!

Our class writes each and everyday during Writer's Workshop.  The entire writing period is an hour long where the students participate in a mini lesson, work on their own piece of writing, and spend time listening to authors in the author's chair.  Our class goal is for everyone to cross the writing river.  The students have worked so hard all year and I am proud of how far they have come!   

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Math Night!

On Tuesday, March 3rd, students brought their families to show them what awesome concepts they have learned in math.  Students traveled around to five different stations and were challenged with different tasks.  It was a fun filled night!  Thank you to those families that attended!

Jocelyn showing her brother how to measure the mass of objects using an equal arm balance.

Karen showing her family how to measure distance using race cars.

Blake sharing how to make cube models with Dave.

Henry taking an order from his mother and then adding up her total. Don't forget to count out the right change!

Sierra showing her family how to measure volume using marshmallows.

Read Across America

All across America, schools took time out of their days to drop everything and read. The 2nd graders journeyed down to the kindergarten room and shared books with their book buddies. At the beginning of the year the 2nd graders were doing all the reading , but now they are helping the kindergartners to read. What a fun day!

Karen reading to her younger brother.  
Keeshaun listening to a student read Hop on Pop.